【中学生対象・英語】The Rainbow

The Rainbow

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a girl named Lily. Lily loved to explore the fields and forests around her house. One day, while she was walking in the forest, she saw a beautiful rainbow.

The rainbow had seven colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Lily was amazed by its beauty. She decided to follow the rainbow and see where it led.

As Lily walked, the rainbow seemed to get closer and closer. Finally, she reached the end of the rainbow, and to her surprise, there was a pot of gold! Lily couldn't believe her eyes. She was so happy.

But then, a little leprechaun appeared. "You found my pot of gold!" he said with a mischievous smile. "Now you get to make a wish."

Lily thought for a moment. She looked at the pot of gold and said, "I wish for happiness for everyone in my village." The leprechaun nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he granted Lily's wish.

From that day on, Lily's village became a happier place. The rainbow was always visible in the sky, reminding everyone of the day Lily made a selfless wish.

問題: Answer the following questions based on the passage.

  1. Who is the main character of the story? a) The leprechaun b) Lily c) A rainbow d) The villagers
  2. How many colors are in the rainbow mentioned in the story? a) Five b) Six c) Seven d) Eight
  3. What did Lily find at the end of the rainbow? a) A pot of gold b) A magical wand c) A basket of flowers d) A treasure map
  4. What did Lily wish for when the leprechaun offered her a wish? a) More rainbows b) Good luck c) Happiness for everyone in her village d) A big house
  5. How did the village change after Lily made her wish? a) It became sadder. b) The rainbow disappeared. c) It became a happier place. d) The leprechaun took all the gold back.


    1. 正解は「b) Lily」です。文章冒頭で主人公が"Lily"であることが述べられています。
    2. 正解は「c) Seven」です。文章で虹の色が「red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet」と述べられています。
    3. 正解は「a) A pot of gold」です。Lilyが虹の先に到達したとき、そこには金の壺がありました。
    4. 正解は「c) Happiness for everyone in her village」です。Lilyは自分の村の人々の幸福を願いました。
    5. 正解は「c) It became a happier place.」です。Lilyの願いのおかげで、村は幸福な場所になりました。