【中学生対象・英語】 Choose the correct option

Choose the correct option.

  1. She has been practicing the piano _____ two hours. a) since b) for c) during d) at
  2. Identify the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement. a) The team are winning the match. b) Neither of the players are injured. c) Each of the books have interesting stories. d) Some of the cake is missing.
  3. What is the correct passive voice form of the sentence: "They are building a new bridge"? a) A new bridge is built by them. b) A new bridge was being built by them. c) A new bridge is being built by them. d) A new bridge will be built by them.
  4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: "I have _____ finished my homework." a) already b) yet c) never d) just
  5. Identify the correctly punctuated sentence. a) The concert was amazing, and the band played all night! b) The concert was amazing and the band played all night! c) The concert was amazing; and the band played all night. d) The concert, was amazing and the band played all night.


  1. 正解は「b) for」です。文全体の期間を示しており、"for"が適切です。
  2. 正解は「d) Some of the cake is missing.」です。主語が単数形なので、動詞も単数形の "is" です。
  3. 正解は「c) A new bridge is being built by them.」です。元の文の主語が"They"なので、受動態では "is being built" が適切です。
  4. 正解は「a) already」です。"I have already finished my homework."はすでに終わったことを表しています。
  5. 正解は「a) The concert was amazing, and the band played all night!」です。文と文をつなげる場合、カンマと「and」を使うのが一般的です。