


問題: 以下の文の空所に適切な関係代名詞(who, whom, whose, that, which)を入れてください。

  1. The girl ( ) brother is a doctor lives next door.
  2. I have a friend ( ) dog is very friendly.
  3. The book ( ) you recommended was very interesting.
  4. The student ( ) won the first prize was very happy.
  5. Do you know the man ( ) car was stolen?


  1. The girl whose brother is a doctor lives next door. (関係代名詞"whose"は所有を表すので、姉妹の兄弟に関する情報を示します。)
  2. I have a friend whose dog is very friendly. (関係代名詞"whose"は所有を表すので、友達の犬に関する情報を示します。)
  3. The book that you recommended was very interesting. (関係代名詞"that"は特定のものを指すので、特定の本に関する情報を示します。)
  4. The student who won the first prize was very happy. (関係代名詞"who"は人を指すので、特定の生徒に関する情報を示します。)
  5. Do you know the man whose car was stolen? (関係代名詞"whose"は所有を表すので、男性の車に関する情報を示します。)
